Campus Health
Welcome to Mercer University Campus Health! Whether you are a first-year student or a graduate student, we are your on-campus healthcare home. Our Campus Health team is committed to providing high-quality, compassionate healthcare in a safe and friendly environment. We have offices located on both the Macon and Atlanta campuses, and we provide a variety of clinical services to help you maintain your health and wellness during your academic career here at Mercer.
We also offer urgent care appointments for Mercer employees for minor illnesses and injuries.
We look forward to serving you.
Campus Health Locations
Visit the location pages to read about the care teams, local pharmacies, and where to get after hours or emergency care near campus.

Sheffield Student Center
3001 Mercer University Drive, Suite 206, Atlanta, GA, 30341
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Homer and Ruth Drake Field House
1327 Stadium Drive, Macon, GA 31207
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Online Scheduling
Schedule Your Visit Online
Use the links below to schedule an appointment with one of our providers at Campus Health Macon and Atlanta.
If you have a medical emergency, please dial 9-1-1.
If you don’t see the reason for your visit (including virtual), call the office to schedule.
Please arrive 15 minutes early. Late arrivals may be rescheduled.
MERCER EMPLOYEES: select Problem as your visit on the next screen.

Office Visit Requirements
- Bring insurance card and ID to every appointment.
- Arrive 15 minutes prior to appointment time.
- Late arrivals may be rescheduled.
- Failure to cancel appointments within 24 hours will result in a no-show status. A $25 fee (not covered by insurance) will be imposed for all no-shows.
- Due to scheduling demands, you will be seen by the first provider available.

- Treatment of minor illnesses and injuries
- Medication and prescriptions as indicated
- Chronic illness management, or referrals as indicated
- Women’s health
- Lab testing, including for STIs and COVID-19
- Immunizations, including seasonal flu
- Health education
- Physical exams

Mercer students must maintain primary insurance coverage. Students, except those enrolled in the Regional Academic Centers or distance learning programs, are automatically enrolled in the University sponsored student health plan. There is a charge for this coverage. To have the charge removed from the Mercer account, a student must show evidence of enrollment in a personal insurance plan. All International students must have active health insurance regardless of hours enrolled or campus attended.

Immunization Requirements
Mercer University requires certain immunizations for all enrolling students. Some programs may have additional immunization requirements. Students in the College of Pharmacy, College of Nursing, and College of Health Professions, and School of Medicine should ask their admissions departments for specific immunization requirements, which may differ from those required by the University.
COVID-19 Updates
October 2023
If you are sick and test positive* for COVID, isolate immediately and contact your professors to manage your class absences. You may return to classes when ALL of the following criteria are met:
- You have not had any fever within the past 24 hours without use of any fever reducing medications (Tylenol, Motrin, Aspirin, etc),
- AND your symptoms have greatly improved within the last 24 hours,
- AND you agree to wear a high quality mask when you are around others for a total of 10 days after the onset of your symptoms.
For Health Sciences Students:
- If you are a health sciences student doing clinical rotations and you test positive* for COVID, you need to isolate for 5 days, after which you may return to classes per instructions above.
If your illness is getting worse or your symptoms are persisting, please call Campus Health (Macon 478-301-2696 or Atlanta 678-547-6130) and make an appointment to be seen, or see your primary care provider. After hours, please go to the closest urgent care center.
If at any time during your illness, you develop confusion, shortness of breath, chest pain, or severe symptoms, please call 2911 on the Macon campus and 6911 on the Atlanta campus for emergency assistance.
*Please note we do not accept home COVID tests; accepted COVID tests are rapid antigens, NAAT, and PCR tests.
Campus Health is operated by Mercer Medicine, a subsidiary of Mercer University School of Medicine.